In the June 2023 LPWC business meeting we received an update from Joshua Toms on his campaign for Lebanon City Council. The following discussion resulted in a motion to endorse Toms. The motion passed and Toms has our endorsement!
The City Council race is a non-partisan activity and Joshua cannot run as a Libertarian (Republican or Democrat, either, for that matter). Our by-laws allow us to endorse and support non-partisan candidates. Because Joshua’s positions on the issues are aligned with our affiliate, his race should receive our support as our affiliate steps into ACTION MODE!
Toms’ Campaign Planks
Joshua sees several issues that need to be addressed in Lebanon:
- Declarations of Emergency. The current City Council habitually uses a “declaration of emergency” to pass ordinances and fund government activities that should be a matter of normal business. They aren’t even claiming the usual COVID-emergency, as this pattern traces back to at least 2016. Examples include purchasing police cars, a wide-area mower, and a backhoe — instances where a planning and budgetary process should clearly be in place, rather than declaring an emergency. With these emergency declarations the public doesn’t get to review, debate, or provide input on the topics at hand. Instead the council gets to vote on them immediately with a complete lack of transparency for the people of Lebanon. They just rush everything through as though, pretending that there will be death and mayhem if the don’t.
- Repealing Tax Credit Ordinance 2016-078. This act limited the tax credit to 1/2% for residents whose income is taxed in another municipality. Toms would like to see this repealed to further reduce the taxation paid by Lebanon residents.
- Make Lebanon a Second Amendment Sanctuary. Toms is calling for nullification at the city level, just as many have advocated. I’ve covered similar thoughts in our blog series on protecting gun rights (especially in Part 3).
- Banning Invasive Spy Technologies. We’ve seen a lot of invasive technologies that go far beyond what any government at any level is allowed to do under the US Constitution (see the 4th Amendment). These technologies include (but are not limited to) Stingray devices that intercept all phone calls in the affected area, ShotSpotter triangulation microphones that have been caught recording private conversations, and automatic license plate readers that track people’s movements. None of these invasive technologies should not be used in the city of Lebanon.
Act Locally: Help Toms Out! Help our Affiliate! Make Warren County a Freer Place!
The primary role of the Libertarian Party of Warren County isn’t to get a Libertarian elected as president, or even to have major effect on politics at the state level. The BEST thing that we can do is to affect politics right here in Warren County by pursuing policies and working to get like-minded candidates elected to office at the township, city, and county levels. Grass-roots efforts are where libertarian values can shine and make a direct difference in our day-to-day lives.
Please get involved to make Warren County the freest county in Ohio!
- Make a stand for liberty by supporting Joshua Toms in his run for Lebanon City Council! Sign up to volunteer, endorse, or fund his efforts on the campaign’s website: There will be volunteer opportunities to assist Toms in his appearances at Lebanon city events — these activities will be fun and if you contact me and volunteer because you heard about it here, I’ll buy you a beverage: mark.marasch(at)
- Are you a liberty-minded candidate running for office within Warren County? Contact me directly to discuss how we can help: mark.marasch(at)
- Are there other topics and efforts you’d prefer to pursue? Take our survey to share your views.
- Come to our meetings. We meet at Doc’s in Lebanon on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm. We complete our business meetings quickly (30-60 minutes), and move onto the truly important business of our social. It’s a great time for open discussion on issues and to meet with like-minded people.
- Join for one of our Coffee Socials. We meet at Kala Coffeehouse in Mason on the third Friday of each month at 2:30 pm. The gathering for these is generally quite small and it’s a great opportunity for small, casual discussions for people who want to explore getting involved.
- Share your talents and interests! Let us know what you can do and what interests you. Your unique capabilities can enhance liberty, whether you are out in front of the public or in the background making things work.
- Donate to the Libertarian Party of Warren County
- Join the Libertarian Party of Ohio
- Join the national Libertarian Party