Happy Holidays from the Libertarian Party of Warren County, Ohio!

As we head into the holiday season this year, we can see that a lot has occurred since a few of us decided that we really needed to stand up a Libertarian affiliate here in Warren County.

For all of my adult life I’ve seen a federal government spiraling out of control. Because of the state and federal governments’ reaction to COVID we’ve all seen how quickly the State can move from “not as free as we’d like” to full-on tyranny. We’ve also witnessed a surprising lack of resistance in a people who still take pride in American liberty. Cognitive dissonance hasn’t fully set in, yet, but people are starting to catch on to what their compliance has allowed.

While I’d rather spend my time on my family and various hobbies, I feel a strong desire to stand up and resist. The government reaction to COVID is only one example of an overbearing State that will use any excuse to pursue power and its own interests at our expense and the expense of generations to come.

We all want to see liberty in our lifetimes. We also know that allowing the establishment parties to control government will continue the movement toward increasingly authoritarian government at all levels. This is why we officially established the Libertarian Party of Warren County in September. Since then we’ve already made a lot of progress:

  • Phil Denton, our Treasurer, has done a lot to get the right financial set up for our affiliate. While doing this, he’s making life easier for the establishment of other affiliates by documenting the process and even creating a video showing some steps in the process.
  • Joshua Toms, our Secretary is helping us to keep everything straight and documenting our meetings. He also drafted the beginnings of the affiliate’s Standard Operating Procedures. Further, he active in the LPO’s Central Committee helping to manage things at the state level.
  • In our December meeting we began the process of establishing committees:
    • Seth Allton is now chairing the standing committee for Community Outreach.
    • Michelle MacCutcheon is now chairing the standing committee for Marketing.
    • Seth Allton is also chairing an ad hoc committee to look at the Constitutional Carry bill that has passed the Ohio House.

2021, for all of its struggles, has been a great start for us. In 2022 let’s work toward waking people up, growing the party, electing Libertarian candidates to government roles, and backing legislation that moves us toward liberty.

As we wrap up 2021, I’d like to personally wish everybody a merry Christmas, a happy New Year, and a deep level of enjoyment in any other holidays or events you celebrate in this season!

Mark W. Marasch
Libertarian Party of Warren County, Ohio

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